Phone: 01235 525540
Reservations strongly recommended for Friday and Saturday evenings
* please do not email take-away orders.

...FREE evening parking after 6pm is available off West St. Helen Street (in St.Edmunds Lane Car Park. Enter OX14 5BU into SatNav.) and two hours free during the day! Directions: Drive down Market place and East St. Helen st. to the end then bear right and drive up West St. Helen Street, 50 metres , second left into St.Edmunds Lane and the Car Park (OX14 5BU) is on your left. For take-away collections you can park briefly at the end of West St.Helen St. between the disabled bay and bus stop or also on the high street in the evening outside Nationwide.
We're the Purple one on the corner of West Saint Helen Street and High Street almost opposite The Narrows pub.